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언어 : English
자막 : Korean, English
오디오 : DD 2.0
화면비율 : 4:3 Full Screen
지역코드 : All. NTSC
상영시간 : 193분
관람등급 : 전체이용가
- Song Selection
1. We've Only Just Begun
2. Those Good Old Dreams
3. Superstar
4. Rainy Days And Mondays
5. All You Get From Love Is A Love Song
6. Top Of The World
7. Ticket To Ride
8. Only Yesterday
9. Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft
10. Beechwood 4-5789
11. Touch Me When We're Dancing
12. Hurting Each Other
13. Please Mr. Postman
14. There's A Kind Of Hush
15. (They Long To Be) Close To You
- Chapters
16. Introdcution
17. Yesterday Once More
18. Dancing In The Street
19. Ticket To Ride
20. (They Long To Be) Close To You
21. We've Only Just Begun
22. For All We Know
23. Bless The Beasts And Children
24. Rainy Days And Mondays
25. Superstar
26. Hurting Each Other
27. Goodbye To Love
28. Top Of The Wrold
29. The Story Continues
30. Only Yesterday
31. Merry Christmas Darling
32. This Masquerade
33. Touch Me When We're Dancing
34. Finale
35. (They Long To Be) Close To You
36. End Credits
37. Encore Program
38. (A Place To) Hideaway
39. Poatto Chip Commercial
40. Ave Maria
41. TV Special Promo
- Listen To The Music
42. Yesterday Once More
43. Ticket To Ride
44. (They Long To Be) Clost To You
45. We've Only Just Begun
46. For All We Know
47. Rainy Days And Mondays
48. Superstar
49. Hurting Each Other
50. Goodbye To Love
51. Top Of The World
52. Only Yesterday
53. This Masquerade
54. Touch Me When We're Dancing
교환/환불 방법
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교환/환불 불가 상품
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